How to reach me

My office is in the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica, shortened as DAUIN),  Corso Castelfidardo 34/D, Torino.

This building is in the newest part of the Politecnico di Torino main campus, called "Cittadella Politecnica". Use Google Maps for info about public transportation, setting the department as destination.

Once arrived to the building, take the stairs that are between the DUMAREY building and the MixTO cafeteria, on the west side of Corso Castelfidardo, following the signs for the LABINF lab and the DAUIN department. Take the elevator to the third floor, locate door marked as "Zone 3C" , and use the courtesy phone next to the door to call me at 7008.

Map of the area

DAUIN building